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Ethylene Oxide Integrators – 100 indicators/box
Conforms to ISO 11140-1(2) Class 5 Ethylene Oxide Integrators should be placed inside each pack.
The control indicator turns from red to green when adequate sterilizing conditions have been reached, giving the end-user assurance that adequate sterilizing conditions occurred at point of placement.

Ethylene Oxide Integrators will show a fail if the relative humidity level, gas concentration, temperature or duration of exposure fall outside of the specified limits.

900mg Concentration (mg per litre) Temperature: 55ºC – 37ºC Time: 20 – 55 minutes Humidity: 40–60%
600mg Concentration (mg per litre) Temperature: 55ºC – 37ºC Time: 35 – 70 minutes Humidity: 40–60%

It is recommended that Browne
Ethylene Oxide Process Detector (Ref: 2421) Spots are placed on the outside of each pack to allow processed and unprocessed items
to be identified at a glance. Note however, that the spots are not calibrated for use as an ‘in-pack’ control indicator


Additional information

Weight0.500 kg

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